lunes, 23 de marzo de 2009

6th Delivery

In the convoy everybody was against the other to resist the cold, when Elie saw his father he was not moving and he call him but he didn’t response.
Some SS oficers entered and started taking out the ones who where death, they came after his father and they wanted to take him out but Elie dind’t want to , they told him that he was death but Elie started to hit him harder until his father suddenly openes his eyes, he was not death and the SS officers went away, 20 corpses were thrown from their wagon.
They didn’t received any food and it was always snowing. One day in a stop a worker threw a piece of bread into the wagon and everyone fought desperately tu have that piece of bread, as nobody has ever seen a train with that type of encargo sooner many pieces of bread were thrown into the wagon and everyone fighting to have it.
They arrived to their destination at night, just the ones who could stand left the wagon, they were a hundred of them when they left from Buna and now just 12 could leave the wagon. Now they were in Buchenwald.
The SS officers were waiting for them at the entrance of the camp, theywere told that they will have a hot shower, but his father could no longer move, he was telling Elie that he wanted to rest in the snow and that he would not be able to continue, but Elie didn’t let him lay on the snow because His father could die in there.
Elie’s father was getting weaker every day, one day he saw his father running, he called him but his father continue running. His father was prostrate on his coat suffering from dysentery, then he started telling him thing on his ear, he was talking fase because he was afraid of running out of time to tell him everything he wanted to.
A week had passed and one day the Blockalteste told Elie that his father was very sick and that the doctor couldn’t do anything foe him neither do Elie, so he advine him not to give his ratio non bread and water to his father, because soon he would die and Elie would need the strenght to survive.
He stay with his father in the cot and the only thing that his father asked for was for water. After roll call he was leaning over his father and then he had to go to sleep.
The next day when he saw his father he saw that he was death, now he was free.
He remained in Buhenwald until April 11 but the no longer matteres since his father’s death.The end had come, Hitler was about to keep his promise.
The Lagerkommandant announced that Buchenwald camp would be liquidated so every day a few thousand inmated passed the camp’s gate and did not return.
On arpil 10 it was decided that everyone would evacuate but it was too late to evacuate them so they would be evacuate thye next day.
The resistance movement appeared from everywhere, and at six o’clock the first American tank stood the gates og Buchenwald, they were free and the only thing they wanted was breath, nobody was thinking of revenge, just breath, Three days after he liberation he got very ill and was send to a hospital, but after spending two weeks between death and life he was alright and decided to look himself into a mirror, the only thing he could see in his face was a corpse contemplating him.

5th Delivery

They had to marched although an icy wind was blowing violently, but the SS officers made them to increase their pace so they were running, trying to don’t stop because if the stopped an SS officer would shot them immediately.
Ellie’s father was running next to him but he was out of breath and very fatigue, that’s why Elie had to continue to support him.
The morning star appeared and a Kommandant announced that they had already covered twenty kilometers and the were in and abandoned village, and finally it came the order to halt, Elie and his father entered to a brick factory and they rest incide, after an hour his father wake him and told him to go outside, when they went out they saw many corpses and they return to the shed but Elie didn’t want to sleep because he was scary to die while dreaming.
The door of the shed oponed and it was Rabbish Eliahu, he looked like one of tose prophets of old, with ice in his moustach, he was searching for his son, he told Elie that he lose him in the way when he fall down, Elie told him that he didn’t see his son and he go out the door, but after that momennt Elie remembered that he has seen the son and he saw that his son saw when he fall down but he continue running as trying to get rid of his father, but he didn’t tell anything to the Rabbish.
They started to march once more and it was snowing, he couln’t feel his leg maybe because of the cold but he was thinking that he would have to live just with one leg, SS officers were also tired but they give them some words of encouragement to continue, they were going to Gleiwitz, when they arrived to the barracks he heard a familiar voice and he realized it was the voice of his friend Juliek. Thay day when everyone was trying to sleep Juliek started playing his violin but the next day he appeared death and his violin just next to him.
They stayed in Gleiwitz for three days and they would be moved to the center of Germany, and at dawn they were driven out of the barrack, that day the selection came again, the weak were sended to the left and the ones who can wal were sended to the right, his father was sent to the left but he run afear him, and alter a conmotion happened both Elie and his father were on the right side.
Affter half-hour match they arrived to where the train would arrived, they had to wait a lot of time until the train arrived and the convoy left.

1.How many people had won a Nobel peace prize that were victims of the Holocaust?
Elie wiesel, Imre Kertész.

2. How many people died during the holocaust?
An estimated 1,500,000 Jews, along with 500,000 Polish prisoners, Soviet POWs and Gypsies, had perished there, in total around 6,000,000 people died during the holocaust.

3. What is the motto of the survivors of the holocaust?
‘‘ Forgive but never forget’’

4th Delivery


Summer was about to end and so as The Jewish year, on the last day of the year of the eve of Rosh Hashanah all the camp was agitated and they didn’t want to ate their soup befote praying, so everyone pray but he Could only think in how they could be praying to god when he had abandoned them in the concentration camp, after all he thought that god wasn’t the one who would save him, himself was the only one that could save him of thst hell.
He felt very lonely but he also felt stronger than ever, his father was as sad as him and never before had they understood each other so clearly without saying a word.
He was transferred to another kommando so he was no Langer with his father in the block. They day of selection has come, many were praying and he could only think about his father.
Around nine o’clock their Blockalteste arrives, there was silence, he gave them some advices to don’t be choose in the selection. Tibi and Yossi passed teh selection without being griten down, and Elie run so fast that they couldn’t be able to wrote his numer, so they passed the selection ans do did his father.
Fey days after The Blocksatleste said them that there were ten more numbers that Dr. Mengele had writen down and those had to stay in the camp, when the bell rang he saw his father running to him and he told him that he was also one of the men that had to stay in the camp, he talked rapidly and gave Elie a knife and a spoon.
they were told to march and then they were outside the camp, meanwhile his father stayed near the blockm, and when he returned to the camp he saw his father alive.
Winter arrived and things get more awful than what they used to be, the cold was horrible but they had to work like that.
Around the middle of January his right foot began to swell and he was said by a Jewsih doctor that its has to be operated.
He had to stay in the infirmary but there the selection was more often so the doctor advised him to leave befote the next selection, and he would be operated the next day, at 10 o clock in the morning he was taken to the operatin room and after an hour the operation has finished, the doctor told him that everything went alright, but he had to wait 2 weeks to be total recovered.
There were rumors that battlefront had drawn nearer and that afternoon the gave the order that the camp must be evacuated, but the sick would remain in the infirmary, but he didn´t want to be separated from his father so they decides they will evacuate with all the others.

1. What was the ‘‘final solution’’? Who proposed?
The number of Jews under Hitler's control grew as German forces advanced deeper into the Soviet Union. Over two million Jews lived in the Soviet Union and most of them lived in the areas under German occupation. It was while the SS were rounding up the Jews in the Soviet Union that Hitler decided on what became known as the Final Solution.
Special units from the SS were set up under the control of Heinrich Himmler to carry out this extermination programme. At first the victims were shot but, with a high proportion of those involved in the killings suffering from nervous breakdowns a more impersonal method was developed.
By the beginning of 1942 over 500,000 Jews in Poland and Russia had been killed by the Schutz Staffeinel (SS). At the Wannsee Conference held in January 1942, Reinhard Heydrich chaired a meeting to consider what to do with the large number of Jews in Germany's concentration camps.
Those at the meeting eventually decided on what became known as the Final Solution. From that date the extermination of the Jews became a systematically organized operation. After this date extermination camps were established in the east that had the capacity to kill large numbers including Belzec (15,000 a day), Sobibor (20,000), Treblinka (25,000) and Majdanek (25,000).
It was decided to make the extermination of the Jews a systematically organized operation. After this date extermination camps were established in the east that had the capacity to kill large numbers including Belzec (15,000 a day), Sobibor (20,000), Treblinka (25,000) and Majdanek (25,000).
2.Which was the first alternative for the final solution?
The search for a solution to the Jewish problem had been set in motion by the anti-Semitic energies, which constituted the heart of Nazism. It was driven forward by the frustrations of every successive policy failure. A more extreme approach appeared to be the only alternative to the less- than-total solutions, which had proved unsatisfactory or un-workable.
3. What is the ‘’D’’ Day?
On June 6, 1944, a date known ever since as D-Day, a mighty armada crossed a narrow strip of sea from England to Normandy, France, and cracked the Nazi grip on western Europe.
4. Mention two of the most important SS officers?
Julius Schreck and Heinrich Himmler

martes, 17 de marzo de 2009

Third Delivery

1. Why were the prisoners tattoed or marked on their forearms? Does this action have a religious implication? Why?

Incoming prisoners went through the infamous selection process where a Nazi security officer (SS), would determine who would be killed in the gas chambers and who would work in the forced labor camps. The prisoners who would live and work were registered with a tattoo. Each prisoner was assigned a specific five digit Hollerith number, which was part of a custom punch card system designed to track prisoners with in the Nazi concentration camps,these tattoos were only one of the ways the Nazis dehumanized their prisoners.
Tattoos took on an even more gruesome significance in the concentration camps than just simple identification. The inmate who entered a Nazi concentration camp with tattoos was targeted from the moment he or she arrived. Tattooed inmates were immediately catalogued, and their skin was marked for the collection after death.

This action have a religious implication because once again they were discriminated for being Jews and they marked them with the number as if they were animals with no rights and without a name.

2. Who were the kapos? Why did their fellowmen fear these leaders?

The German concentration camps depended on the cooperation of trustee inmates who supervised the prisoners. Known as Kapos, these trustees carried out the will of the Nazi camp commandants and guards, and were often as brutal as their S.S. counterparts. Some of these Kapos were Jewish, and even they inflicted harsh treatment on their fellow prisoners. For many, failure to perform their duties would have resulted in severe punishment and even death, but many historians view their actions as a form of complicity.
Their felowmen fear these leaders beacuse they were as bad and brutal as the SS oficers, so they treat their prisoners very bad and they also punished them for not doing things right.

3. How did SS officers select their victims? Support your answer.

SS officers select their victims as the ones who were old, the ones who couldn’t work or someone who make something bad and don’t obey the officers.
Every few months, there would be a "selection." That was where officials came into the barracks and picked out the prisoners who looked too weak to be of any use. The next morning, the trucks would come and take those prisoners directly to the crematorium.

miércoles, 11 de marzo de 2009

2nd Delivery Night

On the cars only some people could seat down and the thirst and the hungry were intolerable, alter three days the arived to Kaschau and everybody had to give the Germanb army gold, silver or watches.
There was a woman named Mrs. Schachter who was there only with her 10 year old boy, her older two sons and his husband were deported with the first transport, since the first day in the car she was like histerical and then in he third day she Stara yelling that she saw a FIRE and verybody tried to calm here, and so it was many times alter, she continue saying that she saw a fire.
They were ordered to divide, to the left the men and to the right the woman, and so he went with his father holding him of his hand.
An inmate appeared telling them that the fire they saw was because there they burned all the jews and he told them that they will also be burned there.
Elie wanted to think that the hole thing was just a dream and that someday he would wake up in his bedroom, but the truth was that everything was real and he had to lead with it.
There were many inmates to recieved them, they were told to take their clothes off, their clothes were going to be throw on the floor at the back of the Barrack, they also tore out their hear.
At five o’clock they were expelled from the barrack and ordered to run, they had to take a hot shower for desinfectation and then they recieved pants and jackets.
They were herded into another Barrack, inside the Gipsy camp.
An SS officer arrived and told them that they were in a concentration camp in Auschwitz, he tried to scare them by telling them that they had to work and if not they will be send to the crematorium.
The Kapos asked for specialists and the other one were send to another barrack, one of stone.
Elie felt that he had changad a lot when a Gipsy slapped his father and he didn’t do anything, he felt really bad that day.
They left the camp, walking for around half an hour, and as the last time they had to take the hot shower , and also they were orderes to run, the arrived to another block.
The next day at noon they were given some soup but he didin’t want it although he was very hungry, in the afternoon they get tattooed numbers on their left arms, and from that day on they were called by their numbers not by their names.
They had been in Auschwitz for 8 days and one day, a man asked for his father, he was his relatives Stein and they started tallking, and he continued Visiting them during the next days, until one day he left.
Their turn came and they had to leave Auschwitz and after foru hours teh arrived to the new camp named Buna.


1. ¿What is a ghetto? Where did the Nazi Army settle tose ghettos?

An area of a city in which Jews were forced to live until they were transported to a concentration camp or killing center.

Jewish ghettos were established in Austria, Belgium, Belarus, Czech Republic, France,Hungary,Italy, Polan, Spain, The Netherlands, Turkey and United Kingdom. Some of them are he ghettos of:

Biala Podlaska Bialystok Bochnia Brody Czestochowa Grodno Izbica Jozefow Kielce Krakow Krasnystaw Kovno Lodz Lubartow Lublin Lvov Miedzyrzec Minsk Piaski Prague Przemysl Radom Riga Rzeszow Siedlce Tarnow Terezin Tluszcz Vilnius Warsaw Zamosc Zwolen

2. What is the difference between a concentration camp anda n extermination camp?

The differnce between a concentration camp and an extermination camp is that in the concentration camp Jewish people were sent because nazis considered by them that they were dangerous, these camps were officially considered labor camps but the people in them were not expected to survive because prisoners were worked or starved to death. These camps were meant just to work, on the other hand extermination camps were created by the Nazis for the killing of millions of jewish people, in there the Jewish people were cremated and they were entended to facility genocide.

3. Locate the following camps in a map and explain if they are concentration or extermination.

Bergen-belzen : Concentration camp

Auschwitz: Concentration camp

Dachau: Concenration camp

Treblinka: extermination camp

Buchenwald: Concentation camp

miércoles, 25 de febrero de 2009


During the Second World War, the Nazi party, under the leadership of Adolf Hitler tried to kill all the Jews in Europe.. The Nazis and their collaborators murdered six million Jewish people, including 1,500,000 children. This terrible period in history is now referred to as the Holocaust.
Jewish people had lived in Europe for over 2000 years. Originally Jews lived in Palestine but the Romans drove them out of this land in ancient times. Consequently the Jews settled in different places around the world. They often lived peacefully alongside their non-Jewish neighbours.
During the late 1920s and early 1930s, Germany was experiencing great economic and social hardship. The Germans had been defeated in the First World War, and had been forced to pay huge reparations to the Allies. As a result, Germany suffered terrible inflation and mass unemployment. Hitler blamed the Jews for the hardship that weighed down upon his country. His anti-Semitic policies eventually led to an intricate plan to exterminate the Jewish people. It is unknown whether this was his original intention, as it seems he initially planned simply to force the Jews out of Germany.

Elie Wiesel was born in 1928 in the town of Sighet, now part of Romania. During World War II, he, with his family and other Jews from the area, were deported to the German concentration and extermination camps, where his parents and little sister perished. Wiesel and his two older sisters survived. Liberated from Buchenwald in 1945 by advancing Allied troops, he was taken to Paris where he studied at the Sorbonne and worked as a journalist.

Wiesel has made his home in New York City, and is now a United States citizen. He has been a visiting scholar at Yale University, a Distinguished Professor of Judaic Studies at the City College of New York, and since 1976 has been Andrew W. Mellon Professor in the Humanities at Boston University where he teaches "Literature of Memory." Chairman of the United States Holocaust Memorial Council from 1980 - 1986, Wiesel serves on numerous boards of trustees and advisors.

He is the autor of more than 40 internationally acclaimed Works of fiction and nonfiction. He has been awarded the presidencial Medal of Freedom, The french legion of Honor and in 1986 and The nobel Peace prize.

This is the story of a 13 year old boy who lives in Sighet a little town in Transylvania , he admire a man called Moishe the Beadle and he had mastered the art of rendering himself insignificant , invisible.
Elie wanted someone to guide him in the studies of Kabbalah but he couldn’t because of his age.
Elie had 3 brothers, Hilda his eldest sister, Bea and Tzipora the youngest. His parents ran a store and Hilda and Bea helped with the work meanwhile he was in the house of study.
One day he passed hours talking yo Moishe the Beadle about the Kabbalah’s revelations and its mysteries.
One day all foreign Jews were expelled from Sighet, Moishe was one of tose Foreigners, and the days passed and it was a rumor that they were sent to Galicia to work, and after many days went by when Elie went to the synagogue he saw Moise the beadle and he told the boy that he has escape because of a miracle, but alter that he wasn’t the same, he was not anymore happy and the joy of his eyes was gone.
In the spring of 1944 there were great news from the Russian Fron, they said that Germany World be defeated and everyone continue their life as normal.
When people heard the news that the German Troops had penetrated Hungarian territory with the government’s approval was when people started to worry.
Fascists attacked Jewish stores and synagogues in Budapest and the situation was becoming very serious.
In a few days Geraman army appeared in the streets of Sighet, ando n the secen day of Passover, the Germans arrested the leaders of the Jewish community.
They started to put some rules, the first one was that the Jews were forbidden to own gold, and the secon one was that all Jews had to use the yellow star, they were not able to attend to synagogue or be in the streets alter six o’clock in the evening.
There were two ghettos created in Sighet, one was bigger that the other one .
One night while his father was telling some anecdotes, a policeman took his father to a special meeting of the council.
When his father arrive, there were horrible news , they will be sent to another place to work. People start preparing for the journey.
The next day the hungarian arrived and ordered the Jews to go outsider their houses and they leave manwhile Elie watch everyone passing by his side.
Elie and his family had to move to the small ghetto, everyone was very sad of leaving their homes, and alter spending a few days in the ghetto, the day had come, they will have to leave of their town, there were cars waiting outsider, they get in and finally they left.

jueves, 2 de octubre de 2008

A Trip to the Past

If I had the opportunity to travel to the past I would like to go to the era when the Aztecs live. 
The setting is in Tenochtitlan, that is located in Lake Texcoco. The place has many green areas and there are basements better called as pyramids that are huge structures made of stone,
many of the basements have large stairs.
The people that live there are called Aztecs, they are very worker people, they speak a language called Nahuatl and they have created a system to help agriculture that is called ''Chinampas''.
If  I were in Tenochtitlan I would like to know how the pyramids were before and learn how the Aztecs construct them. I would like to know and learn about their culture, their traditions and many things so when I return to the present I can be able to transmit all these things to the people of the present, especially to the children, because now a days many of our traditions have disappeared. 
Of course I would like to learn their language and be able to talk with them and ask them to tell me about their gods for example: Tlahuac, Quetzalcoatl, Tezcatlipoca and Huitzilopochtli, and be part of one of their rituals where they make sacrifices. 
I would like to talk with their Emperors Moctezuma, Cuitlahuac and Cuahtemoc. 
I would like to travel to this time because I would like to know about are ancestors, how did they live, what things they did, how did they construct the pyramids and more things.
and if I had the opportunity to change something of that time it would be to make people aware of what Hernan Cortes and the Spanish people would do to us, our lands and all the Aztecs, I would never trust in them and I would fight until they get out of our lands, I would tell all the Aztec people to fight against the Spanish and advise them to create new and better weapons to fight. I would talk with the Emperor to aware him of all the danger the Spanish people would do to mexico, maybe he would not believe me but I would be smart enough to tell him that their god Huitzilopochtli was the one who tell me to aware him of this things, maybe this way all the history would change, maybe Mexico would be a total different Mexico.
I think everything would be different for Mexico if the Spanish Colonizaton had never occured.